"Bio-waste: Problem or Opportunity?" :THALIS at the RETASTE2024 International Conference.

Published : October 3rd, 2024

THALIS participated in the International Scientific Conference "Rethink Food Resources, Losses, and Waste," co-organized by the Hellenic Mediterranean University and Harokopio University. RETASTE2024 served as a dynamic gathering focused on the crucial pillar of circularity, "bio-waste," while also highlighting innovative interventions in solid waste and water management.

At the opening of the conference, THALIS presented its holistic approach to the bio-waste value chain, showcasing sustainable solutions that maximize material and resource recovery and produce high-value-added products. It was made clear that the bio-waste collection stage determines the purity of the collected material as well as the potential for subsequent processing and the quality of the products generated. Additionally, the necessity of leveraging international experience by adopting door-to-door bio-waste collection programs, with a focus on large producers, was recognized.

Furthermore, during the conference, THALIS' activities in sludge management were presented, with a particular focus on modern solutions that enhance the cycle of sludge conversion, elimination, and recovery from urban wastewater, promoting circularity and environmental protection. At the same time, the expected outcomes in terms of resource preservation and utilization were highlighted, with sludge having the potential to be reused as a soil conditioner after advanced and natural processing methods.

Speakers included Mr. Manolis Chatzakis, Environmental and Sanitary Engineer MSc, and Mr. Charalambos Nikoloudakis, Dipl. Chemical Engineer NTUA, MSc Waste Management.

THALIS was the Gold Sponsor of this year's event.